Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Hurting my knee

On April 20th, 2014 I wrecked my four wheeler. I thought it was a good idea to do doughnuts on the dry dirt. Apparently I was wrong. I was completing my last doughnut, and I suddenly realized that I had messed up. I was going way too fast on the dirt and flew off and flipped the four wheeler in the process. Three months later, on July 7th, I had surgery because I had torn my ACL and meniscus. After my surgery for the first week, I lost 12 pounds because I was laid up in bed the whole time and didn’t eat very much. That weekend I had a 103 degree fever and had to go to the emergency room. I was very dizzy and sweating but cold and I had to crutch my way to the hospital door but I almost passed out so a lady came running out with a wheelchair for me. Turns out I had a severe UTI and the surgery made it noticeable. After a day in the hospital I returned home and stayed in bed for another week or so. I couldn’t get in and out of the shower by myself and I couldn’t carry anything. I felt useless. Finally I got tired of it, and I found a way to get in and out of the shower without my mom’s help. Also, I would scoot my plate of food down the hallway with my good foot all the way to my room so I didn’t have to ask for help. Progressively I got better and got to where I could stand up on my foot and walk a little bit more. I didn’t have to use a shower chair any longer and I could carry my own food with my hands at last. I think that I learned my lesson about doing doughnuts on the dry dirt, or at all. Never again will I be so stupid. I probably won’t even drive as fast if I do it again.
I was very dizzy and sweating but cold and I had to crutch my way to the hospital door but I almost passed out so a lady came running out with a wheelchair for me.

Since I had almost passed out while crutching to the door, this random woman came outside with a wheelchair for me to sit in so that I wouldn’t have to crutch any longer. So I got into the waiting room and I was freezing cold but I was sweating at the same time so I was so confused at what was happening in my life and I was scared and thought I was going to dry. But I didn’t die because I am here writing this right now obviously. So that waiting room time was for like an hour and a half then I finally went back and they had to give me an I.V. which hurt like crazy. And I had to have 3 full bags of liquid antibiotics in my I.V. I got there around 9 at night and left the next day around 2 in the afternoon. So I guess I wasn’t there for a full day, just 17 hours. Which felt like it was so much longer because I was there by myself from 3 am until 22pm. My mom was the only one that went with me. I guess nobody else cared, just kidding I don’t even care. But they told me that I was also dehydrated with a UTI so I needed to go home and drink like a gallon of water each day. I still don’t do that so I could possibly go back into the hospital.

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