Friday, May 1, 2015

Q & A

  • Which in class writing was your favorite? Why? The one where I wrote about what if i could teleport? I liked it because it was something that i was interested in because it would be super cool.
  • Which in class writing was your least favorite? Why? The one where we wrote about which crayon color we would be. I had a hard time figuring out which color i would be.
  • Review all your writing chronologically (earliest to latest). List three interesting observations or changes in your writing. Which are the most profound (obvious and important)? Why? Most of the time i started writing less, i put more thought into them, and i wrote about stuff that would never happen. I think this happened because i was thinking more than i was typing and that caused it to be a less amount of writing.
  • If you could change anything about your writing this semester what would it be? Why? I would change how much i wrote. I didn't write as much as i could have and didn't give as much detail as it should have been.
  • What did you like best about this course? I liked how we had class discussions about certain things and the presentations we did about different age groups.
  • What did you like least about this course? I didn't really like how we didn't read the book in class because i work a lot and i don't have too much time to do other homework and read.
  • What would you have done differently this semester if you could have a do-over? I would try to make time to read the book and actually know about what goes on in it.
  • What did learn about yourself as a student, a thinker, a writer this semester? I learned that i can write for 10 minutes straight without stopping and not have very many errors without backspacing.
  • What could I, Ms. A., have done differently to improve the course? I think it would have been a good idea to read the book in class and allow us to talk about what goes on in it.
  • You begin this course with an engagement and participation score of an A.  Attendance, participation in activities and group work help you to maintain this grade.  Evaluate yourself and assign yourself a grade for the in class portion of this course.  Don’t forget the reasoning behind your self assigned grade. I would give myself an A because i did everything i was supposed to do in class and did it to the best of my ability.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The Heart and the Fist

I connect to this book because my brother is in the Army and my dad used to be in the Navy. What stood out to me is how they were woken up by a mortar. Today I am sharing that I have no idea what it feels like to be in a war, but I have heard stories about those in war and how they can get PTSD from war. It affects them tremendously and their families. The purpose of the book in my opinion, is to show people what it’s like our on the war field and try to get more people to respect those that are fighting for our country. I think that the audience is the citizens’ back home. It seems like they’re talking to everyone that hasn’t experienced what they have.


I love Tatum. He ticks me off most of the time but we always get over it and it makes us stronger. He has the world’s handsomest smile and the prettiest eyes ever. His hugs are my favorite and he makes me feel special. He has the cutest laugh and it makes me laugh. He always knows how to piss me off super quickly and then he smiles and makes me laugh which ticks me off even more because I can’t stay mad at him. He takes me to cute dates and takes real good care of me. He’s the best thing to ever happen to me. Sometimes he is funny. He snores as loud as a monster truck. And talks in his sleep. His shows that he watches are dumb but sometimes I’ll watch them anyways. 

Volleyball, old people, and children

I played volleyball for two short years in high school but I loved every second of it. I really love to play it and win. There’s a lot of running and balance you have to have for volleyball but to me it is worth it all. I wish I could go back and play more than I did.
 Old people are sometimes helpless. And I work at a nursing home so I am very familiar with how older people live. I like to help them as much as possible because most of them cannot do it for themselves. They’re so really sweet ones then there are some that are mean. Sometimes those are the fun ones because they are mean to other people but not always mean to you.

 I love children, especially under age 2. They are just so sweet and innocent for the most part and I want to be a pediatric nurse some day because I love kids so much. Babies are my favorite though. They can’t do anything for themselves and its cute how they look up to their parents so much for everything.

Things i am passionate about

1.       Volleyball
2.       Tatum
3.       Cheerleading
4.       Puppies
5.       Simba
6.       Horses
7.       Food
8.       Sleep
9.       Old people
10.   Children

Jesse's point of view

If Tatum doesn’t stop being such a jerk to Tiffany then he is going to lose a very good girl really fast. He picks on her all the time and they constantly argue over dumb things. He just wants to be right about everything and he makes sure that she knows that. I’ve learned my lesson about being mean to my significant other and I wish he would too before she leaves him. He is a very inconsiderate human being and doesn’t appreciate anything that anybody does for him. But he is my son and I love him. That’s why I am trying to get him to understand that he can’t be right about everything and he can’t pick a fight with her all of the time just because he feels like he has something to prove to her. 

Tatum's point of view

I big man me macho. I do no wrong. I wear the pants in this relationship and I set the rules and boundaries. If you don’t abide by them then we will have a serious problem. I’ve never had a girlfriend before so I don’t exactly understand that you are sensitive and have actual feelings because I don’t have any and I never will. I like to kill innocent bugs and push anyone out of my way. Ill ride right on your butt on the road because I don’t give a crap. But if you do it to me then all hell breaks loose. When we fight then you need to admit to me that you’re wrong and fix it. I didn’t do anything wrong so there’s no reason for me to apologize. And I will just let you pay for everything because I am way too stingy with my money and I don’t even like to buy gas but I only do it because I have to. If I didn’t I wouldn’t buy anything. I don’t even offer to take you on a date except once every few months because you bring it up that we haven’t been on one in a while that you haven’t paid for. You pay for everything because I would rather you spend your money on us then me spend it.